Don’t fall into the Christmas debt trap this year. Learn how to create a Christmas budget you can stick to and use to help you save money and avoid debt.
The most common reason people list for being stressed around the holidays is money. American’s rack up an average of $1,054 in debt during the holidays. That can be very stressful not just during the holidays but for months to come.
I love to make Christmas a huge event, with lots of tasty treats, presents, decor, and all the fun events but you don’t want that to mean you are stressed about money, then you won’t even enjoy the money you have spent.
The best way to prevent this is to create a Christmas budget early and make sure it’s one you can stick to. It may mean you need to spend less than normal but you can prioritize if you know what you can afford.
Creating your Christmas budget doesn’t have to be difficult, I have tips and resources that can help make it easy so you can stop worrying about money and start enjoying all the magic of the Christmas season.
How to Create a Christmas Budget
Decide What’s Important
We often do things around the holidays because it’s tradition and not because anyone really wants to do it. Making sure the things you are doing and spending money on are actually important is a good first step.
Talk to your family and others you spend the holidays with. Be honest with each other about which things are actually important around the holiday season.
You can even create a Christmas bucket list with the things everyone really wants to do. Those are the things to try to fit into your budget, ditch the rest.
Make a Savings Goal
Instead of trying to afford everything for Christmas all at once, save money throughout the year. Even if it’s just a little bit each week or month it can add up.
Make yourself a savings goal and use what you believe you can save for as much of your budget as possible. You can even do some money-saving challenges to boost your savings.
Review Your Monthly Budget
Assuming you have a monthly budget, if you don’t you should, look at what you are spending and if you can make some more wiggle room within that budget to save more money.
Maybe you are paying for a subscription service you aren’t really using or maybe your grocery bill is higher than it really needs to be. Even if you just cut these things out for a couple of months that can help you save more to use during the holidays.
Write It Down!
Don’t believe you will just remember what you have learned and your Christmas budget. The truth is you likely won’t. Having it actually written down and in a place where you will see it often will help you stick to it.
I have a Christmas budget planner that I keep in a binder. I try to review it at least once a month to make sure I’m on track with savings and other goals I set.
This goes hand-in-hand with my normal Christmas planning. I actually keep both in the same binder. Staying organized is a big key to reducing your Christmas stress.
More Frugal Resources
You’ll find a lot of great resources on the site to help you be more frugal and save money. These tips work great all year, not just for Christmas.
Want to reduce Christmas stress in general? Be sure you have signed up for the FREE email course 5 Secrets to a Stress-Free Christmas.
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