Get ready for Christmas a little at a time with this monthly tasks free printable. You can get most of your Christmas to-do list done before the holiday season!
If you made a list of all the tasks you wanted to do before Christmas it would likely be very overwhelming, but what if you broke those tasks up into 12 groups? Each group likely wouldn’t look so overwhelming.
That’s why doing monthly tasks for Christmas is such a good idea. It breaks up a huge list of tasks and makes them very manageable.
Once you get to Christmas you should have most things done. That leaves you a lot of time to just enjoy the holidays.
To help you with this I’ve created a monthly tasks free printable. I’ve also got ideas for what your monthly tasks can be below.
Monthly Tasks Free Printable
- To use this printable just print off one copy for each month left until Christmas.
- Fill in the month.
- Add the tasks you want to get done this month.
- Check your tasks at the beginning of each month.
- Get them done!
Monthly Task Ideas
Add these tasks to the months that make sense for you.
- Watch for sales on gifts.
- Repair Christmas decor, linens, etc…
- Restock your gift wrap stash.
- Use a note page in your Christmas planner to keep track of anything you may want to include in your Christmas letter.
- Create and start your Christmas saving plan.
- Stock up on thank you cards.
- Make your gift idea list.
- Plan holiday crafts and buy supplies.
- Take Christmas card photo.
- Finish your Christmas letter/cards.
- Plan your Christmas recipes.
- Stock up on baking supplies.
- Declutter your house.
- Deep clean your house.
- Plan Christmas activities.
- Buy items needed for Christmas activities and traditions.
- Wrap gifts.
- Organize your Christmas decor.
- Organize wrapping supplies.
- Set up Christmas wrapping station.
- Buy Christmas outfits.
- Start Christmas baking.
- Plan Christmas travel.
- Book Christmas travel.
- Stock up on stamps.
- Gather addresses for Christmas cards and gifts.
- Plan Elf ideas and get supplies.
- Buy advent calendars.
- Finish Christmas gift shopping.
- Create your Christmas music playlist.
These are just a few ideas. I recommend making a list of everything you can think of that you need to do before Christmas. Decide which months you can do these things in trying to put as few as possible in November and December since that time is so busy.
Keeping up with these tasks will make your Christmas much less stressful and allow you to spend more time doing the things you love during the holidays.
Keep your monthly task sheets organized in your Christmas planner so you know where they are. You can likely use the same ones each year.
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