Have an organized Christmas this year with these great organization hacks from top bloggers. They are sure to help make your Christmas less stressful.
Being disorganized is a great way to have a stressful Christmas. How many times have you rushed around looking for something only to get frustrated and stressed?
One of the many benefits to preparing for Christmas early is that you can have everything organized ahead of time.
I want to share some of my top hacks for an organized Christmas are and I also reached out to some top bloggers to get their best hacks. They had some really good ones.
Organized Christmas Hacks
Set Up a Christmas Planner
My first and biggest tip has to be to set up a Christmas planner. It means fewer details to remember and also fewer details to possibly forget.
I have been using a Christmas planner for years and it has saved me so many times. Once you set it up once it’s easy to update every year so you are prepared for the holiday season.
The Christmas planner I designed for myself is available for you to use as well. Click here to check it out.
Have a Gift Wrapping Station
Having all your gift wrapping supplies in one spot is very important for a stress-free Christmas. One option if you don’t have a lot of room is a wrapping paper organizer cart.
Having this cart means you can move your gift wrapping station around to fit your needs. I love the one above that Lynn from Nourish and Nestle created.
Another option is to just have a table set up as your wrapping station. That’s what Diane of Suburbia Unwrapped does. This is similar to what I do. I just use the desk in my office.
No matter what option you choose make sure all of your supplies are within reach to make wrapping a lot easier.
Create an Organization System for Holiday Decorations
This is something you want to think about before the holidays because while your decorations are out is a great time to make changes to your current organization.
Putting away decorations is not nearly as much fun as putting them up. We can often end up putting them back in a disorganized way which we regret the following year.
Having a good system in place can help prevent this. Over at Ann’s Entitled Life, you will find lots of great tips for storing your Christmas decorations in an organized way.
I also found more good Christmas organization tips from Amber Oliver. The storage totes she uses are really nice and protective for delicate decor.
Don’t forget to also add labels to your bins so you remember what is in each bin and don’t have to dig around in the bins. You’ll thank yourself next year!
Keep All Christmas Supplies Organized
It’s not just decorations that need a good organization system. If you like to collect and save Christmas magazines you will want a good way to store those as well.
I have a few vintage Christmas magazines I love and keep from year to year so I love this DIY magazine storage system from Sadie Seasongoods.
Don’t forget your wrapping supplies. Once the season is over and you are taking down your wrapping station you need somewhere for those supplies to go.
I like to use a gift wrap tote which stays in my office but can also easily fit under a bed. There are a lot of great options on Amazon.
Keep Your Christmas Village Organized
I started collecting a Department 56 Christmas village when I was a kid. My grandma bought me my first pieces and my collection has gotten quite large over the years.
I spend hours putting up my village each year. It’s one of my favorite parts of my Christmas decorations. The pieces are delicate though so you have to be careful when storing.
My tip is to keep the boxes the village comes in assuming they are well packed. These boxes can then be stored in large plastic bins if needed. I store my smaller boxes and any loose items in bins and stack the others around them in a cabinet.
I have a couple where I’m missing their original boxes and it’s hard to store them without any damage so it’s important to keep the boxes when possible.
The cords can also be a pain and My Productive Backyard shared a great tip for keeping Christmas village cords protected and untangled using a simple towel.
Declutter Before the Holidays
Getting rid of general clutter before the holidays is one of the best ways to get started now. It will make your home more organized in general and also makes decorating a lot easier.
I have a list of 75 things to declutter before Christmas that is a great starting point. Most things are very simple so you can go through the list quickly.
Keep Christmas Morning Organized
Christmas morning should be a fun and exciting time but often it ends up stressful and disorganized. Preparing ahead of time with your Christmas planner helps but don’t forget all the other details for an organized Christmas morning.
Susan at Organized 31 likes to have bags ready for the trash, recycling, and keep. She has other great ideas for Christmas morning as well.
These are of course just some of the ways you can have a less stressful and more organized Christmas. Be sure to follow me here and join the email list below. I will be sharing even more tips all year long.
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